The raven is a stamp from Tim Holtz just as the metal embellishements. The grungeboard is painted with acrylic paint.

For å lage dette har jeg brukt en gammel bokside, og hvit cardstock som jeg har laget striper vha Distress Ink og en babywipe. Tutorial på dette fant jeg hos Viba. Dessuten har jeg brukt til washi... (igjen)
To make this card I have used an old bookpage, and white cardstock. The stripes on the cardstock was made with Distress Ink and a babywipe. Take a look at the tutorial over at Vibas blog! And I've used washi... Again.

Jeg sendte dette kortet til ei god venninde - og konvolutten fikk et litt matchende utseende.
I sent the card to a good friend - and the envelope was given a matching look
Jeg har kortet hos/ I've posted the card at:
Sketchy Colors - orange, green, black
Musikkstua - halloween
Thanks for stopping by! :D